Who is My Mental Game for?

My Mental Game is primarily for athletes who are dealing with (or will deal with) adversity in the pursuit of something extremely rare and difficult. Scholarships and pro-contracts are rare. If you are an athlete, you need to be in top mental shape if you want to be one of the few who earns more than the average player.


What is mental fitness? How do you train it?

Mental fitness is the ability to be ready to perform at or near your best across many areas as consistently as possible. Mental fitness training is developing mental skills crucial for elite athletic performance. With My Mental Game, this includes assessment of your current tendencies, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and engaging in exercises to improve resilience, people skills, motivation, focus, and emotional management​​​​.

What challenges do (will) athletes typically face?

A: Life as an athlete offers a tough curriculum. Elite athletes face various challenges like pressure to perform, comparison with others, attention from fans (and critics), emotional highs and lows, and difficult team dynamics. Internal pressures to show up and be excellent everyday are the norm. Not to mention the physical demands of sport can exacerbate the mental and emotional demands. 

What is included in the program?

A: The AthleteDISC Assessment, numerous digital mental fitness training exercises (interactive), and an online journaling section complete with reflective prompts. For more info, see this page.

What can you learn from your AthleteDISC?

A: The AthleteDISC Assessment is a scientifically-backed tool that helps you understand your personality traits and how they impact your sports performance. This insight allows you to work on specific areas for improvement and leverage your strengths into actionable takeaways. You learn to change your sports reality for the better.

What kind of things does your program help athletes with?

A: My Mental Game provides tools and techniques to handle internal and external pressures in sports. By learning to manage stress, understand your emotions, and maintain focus, you can enhance your performance and resilience​.

How long does the program take? What is the time commitment?

A: There is no simple answer here. What you get out of the program will match what you put in. There are numerous exercises (each of which takes 20 minutes or less to complete) that are available on your account. You will have your account for life, so use it as you see fit. That said, don’t hesitate just because you can. Improvement today means better results tomorrow. 

How does the program work once an athlete is signed up?

A: As an athlete who signs up, you can go through our 6 week mental fitness program independently online. The rest of the exercises are there for when you need them. Think of it as a menu. You choose what you want to work on and when. You can complete the exercises from a phone or laptop. 

What is our priority as a company?

A: The athletes. We focus on developing athletes who can handle the pressure of their own ambitions. Success in sports is not guaranteed. Fun is also not guaranteed. Sports can be hard, so we aim to make the experience more enjoyable and rewarding. 

How does this stack up with other options for improving mental fitness like mental performance coaches?

A: Our program is personalized but independent. There is no need for expensive 1-1 coaching that makes players reliant on someone else to have their best mindset. Our program puts success and well-being back in the players’ hands.  

What is the result of doing our program?

A: Athletes have everything they need to address performance and personal problems. When they sign-up, they will be prompted to keep their own personal development top of mind and given all of the tools they need to improve weaknesses and level up strengths. 

What is our background?

Our team has years of experience in coaching, personal development, elite level sports, and psychology. See ‘About Us’ for more information.

What can I learn as a coach (about my players)?

A; you can learn how to communicate better with each player. For difficult to reach players, this is your cheat code. YOu also learn about your players’ motivations, emotions, behavioral tendencies, and preferred team environment. Plus, you get players who are willing to and actively learning how to improve themselves at the same time.

As a coach, what is required of me?

A: Nothing more than an open mind. Your athletes will receive all the tools. You have the opportunity to read and learn more about each of them, but the responsibility is taken care of with our time and expertise poured into the program. 

What can I learn as a parent? 

A: As a parent, your athlete can add you to a ‘guest account’ on their own My Mental Game account. That means you will have access to their profile report and a series of resources for parents to better support their athletes. As a parent, you will not have access to their exercises or responses. 

Do you offer a guarantee?

A: Yes, we have a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results of the program. 

What does your program cost?

A: For an individual athlete looking to improve their mental game, we charge $150. It is a one-time fee for lifetime mental fitness training. For teams and groups looking to benefit from mental fitness training, please inquire with us to learn about our packages. 

Questions for Athletes

What would you do if you learned exactly what was going to get in your way of success?

A: You would make a change to avoid your biggest pitfalls. In the end, you would succeed. Your AthleteDISC opens your eyes to your weaknesses, demotivating factors, and challenging emotions. 

How many hours a day would you work if someone would pay you to play your sport (with an education or pro contract) as a result of all of your effort?

A: The answer is up to you. The point here is that less than 60 minutes a week can help make it much more likely you succeed. You already work so hard on your sport. Why not improve your mental game to unlock the maximum heights of your physical talent? Work hard on yourself too. 

Questions for Parents and Coaches

How would you guarantee your athletes/kids live well?

A: You do everything you can to help them invest in themselves. You prioritize them working on who they are just as much (or more) than they work on their game. 

What does it mean to be a leader in the mental well-being movement?

A: Everyone is talking about how important mental health is. What can you do? You can invest in protecting and serving your players for now and for when they leave your program. 

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