Avoid the big problem
If sports aren’t going well, that should not derail a young person in the rest of their life. But many players base their self-worth on how well they perform. What are the consequences of an identity tied up with success, status, or progress in sports?
- individualistic behavior
- constant comparison to others
- emotional instability
- unnecessary conflict within the team (instead of healthy competition).
We teach athletes to live and play authentically using the AthleteDISC. The message is simple, bring your unique value to the team and never worry about opportunity or results again. Your athletes can simply enjoy the progress they make playing their sport.
How do we develop players?
Our approach combines behavioral psychology, mental fitness, and philosophy for sport into an intuitive approach to learning how to improve at the ‘intangibles’. We help players map out success and explore the best way to get there in 6 week cycles that orient them towards a personalized mental fitness goal. Our program also:
- Gives feedback to address strengths and weaknesses of each player
- Teaches fundamental skills for being a good teammate
- Helps players feel empowered to solve problems
- Teaches critical thinking skills (helping players overcome emotional roadblocks)
- Maximizes already existing performance strengths
What makes My Mental Game unique?
Our approach is personalized to each player. Each player’s development is tailored to their behavioral tendencies, after using the AthleteDISC to measure their mental fitness. Our exercises help athletes integrate their learning to meet their mental fitness goals in their real life. In the end, they can face anything that they knew (or didn’t know) was holding them back from being the best version of themselves.